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PSD, Inc.
1338 S. Foothill Dr. Suite 334
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
(801) 349-5559


GenmergeDB Overview

GenMergeDB uses the same record linking algorithms used in the desktop version, but has  a database system for a backing store, eliminating the 200,000 record limitation.  GenMergeDB can import data from a variety of file types, not just GEDCOM files.  GenMergeDB provides access to many of the record linking parameters including cut off scores and weight tables and provides tools to analyze and evaluate record linking results. This makes GenMergeDB useful for more general record linking projects.  In addition to building genealogies from GEDCOM files or other family data, GenMergeDB can be used to reconstitute populations based on census records, vital statistics records (birth, death and marriage), church records (baptisms, burials and marriages), probate data and other files with identifying information for individuals and families.

GenMergeDB can be licensed or you can let our professionals use GenMergeDB to do your record linking.  Contact for information on how GenMergeDB can help you with your record linking project.

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Revision 3
Shipping in March

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Pleiades Software Development, Inc.